Privilege Config

To make your package work, there must exist conf/privilege inside your package. It controls security related behaviours in entire package lifecycle.

    "run-as": "package"
  "username": "myusername",
  "groupname": "mygroupname",
  "tool": [{
    "relpath": "bin/mytool",
    "user": "package",
    "group": "package",
    "permission": "0700"

defaults (required)

Controls default settings for entire privilege file. It can only be set as value below.

run-as behaviour on file behaviour on script
package chown -hR "${package}:${package}" set resuid as [username]
run-as behaviour on file behaviour on script
root chown -hR "root:root" set resuid as root

username / groupname (optional) (since 6.0-5940)

Specify which name will be the user name and group name. If not specified, the package name will be the default value.

ctrl-script (optional)

Control the identity to run scripts.

"ctrl-script": [{
  "action": "start",
  "run-as": "package"
Member Since Description
action 6.0-5891 one of preinst, postinst, preuninst, postuninst, preupgrade, postupgrade, start, stop, status, prestart, prestop
run-as 6.0-5891 see the description above

executable (optional)

Specify the identity to chown on installed for specific file.

"executable": [{
  "relpath": "bin/mybin",
  "run-as": "package"
Member Since Description
relpath 6.0-5891 relative path under /var/packages/[package_name]/target
run-as 6.0-5891 see the description above

tool (optional)

Specify the identity to chown and chmod on installed for specific file.

If you want, you can even set file capabilities.

"tool": [{
  "relpath": "bin/mytool",
  "user": "package",
  "group": "package",
  "permission": "0700"
Member Since Description
relpath 6.0-5891 String, the file's relative path under /var/packages/${package}/target/.
user 6.0-5891 String, file's owner user, must be "package".
group 6.0-5891 String, file's owner group, must be "package"
permission 6.0-5891 4 digit number to set file permission, for example: 4750
"tool": [{
  "relpath": "bin/mytool",
  "user": "package",
  "group": "package",
  "capabilities": "cap_chown,cap_net_raw",
  "permission": "0700"
Member Since Description
capabilities 7.0-40656 capabilities string without any +-=eip symbol. the value can be viewed HERE

Package User / Group Visibility On UI

Package users and groups will not appear on most UI settings, but there are some exceptions:

  • [x] Application privilege permission viewer
  • [x] FTP chroot user selector
  • [x] File Station
    • [x] Change owner
    • [x] Shared Links Manager -> Enable secure sharing
  • [o] Control Panel > Shared Folder > Edit > Permission > System internal user
  • [o] ACL editor

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