Maria DB 10


This worker register on the following timings:

  • PREINST/PREUNINST It checks the resource specification from user / wizard to avoid failure on another timing.

  • POSTINST/POSTUNINST It performs several stages when package intents to do so:

    • POSTINST (install & upgrade)
      • migrate-db: migrate db from mariadb5 to mariadb10, usually used on upgrade
      • create-db: create database
      • grant-user: create user
      • drop-db-inst: drop old database, usually used on db migration
    • POSTUNINST (uninstall) (do not run during update)
      • drop-db-uninst: drop database
      • drop-user-uninst: delete user, if multiple packages share same user, this option should not be applied

If worker fails on any stage, worker framework would rollback the performed operations.


MariaDB10 package




Environment Variables





"mariadb10-db": {
    "admin-account-m10": "<db account>",
    "admin-pw-m10": "<db password>",
    "admin-account-m5": "<m5 db account>",
    "admin-pw-m5": "<m5 db password>",
    "migrate-db": {
        "flag": true | false,
        "m5-db-name": "<db name>",
        "m10-db-name": "<db name>",
        "db-collision": "replace" | "error"
    "create-db": {
        "flag": true | false,
        "db-name": "<db name>",
        "db-collision": "replace" | "skip" | "error"
    "grant-user": {
        "flag": true | false,
        "db-name": "<db name>",
        "user-name": "<db username>",
        "host": "<db host>",
        "user-pw": "<db password>"
    "drop-db-inst": {
        "flag": true | false,
        "ver": "m5" | "m10",
        "db-name": "<db name>"
    "drop-db-uninst": true | false,
    "drop-user-uninst": true | false

All fields are not necessary, but if you enable some stages then you have to fillup some fields. (e.g., enable create-db stage, then you have to provide admin-account-m10 and admin-pw-m10)

Member(L1) Member(L2) Since Description
admin-account-m10 - 10.0.30-0005 MariaDB10 account id which has full access permission(root)
admin-pw-m10 - 10.0.30-0005 MariaDB10 account password which has full access permission(root)
admin-account-m5 - 10.0.30-0005 MariaDB account id which has full access permission(root)
admin-pw-m5 - 10.0.30-0005 MariaDB account password which has full access permission(root)
migrate-db flag 10.0.30-0005 whether to run the stage
m5-db-name 10.0.30-0005 migration source db name of MariaDB
m10-db-name 10.0.30-0005 migration destination db name of MariaDB10
db-collision 10.0.30-0005 DB Collision Strategy on import,do not provide skip
create-db flag 10.0.30-0005 whether to run the stage
db-name 10.0.30-0005 db name to create on MariaDB10
db-collision 10.0.30-0005 DB Collision Strategy on create db
grant-user flag 10.0.30-0005 whether to run the stage
db-name 10.0.30-0005 target db name to grant for user
user-name 10.0.30-0005 create and grant user name
host 10.0.30-0005 user host (default = localhost)
user-pw 10.0.30-0005 user password
drop-db-inst flag 10.0.30-0005 whether to run the stage
ver 10.0.30-0005 target mariadb version (m5 / m10)
db-name 10.0.30-0005 db name to drop
drop-db-uninst - 10.0.30-0005 whether to run the stage
drop-user-uninst - 10.0.30-0005 whether to run the stage

DB Collision Strategy: when there are same db names as provided from migrate-db & create-db, it can solve the conflict by one of the following strategies:

  1. replace
    drop exist db and replace it using new db
  2. error
    do not do anything and just report error, which might cause installation failure
  3. skip
    do not do anything and continue to execute as usual


"mariadb10-db": {
    "admin-account-m10": "root",
    "admin-pw-m10": "password!@#123432",
    "admin-account-m5": "",
    "admin-pw-m5": "",
    "migrate-db": {
        "flag": false,
        "m5-db-name": "",
        "m10-db-name": "",
        "db-collision": ""
    "create-db": {
        "flag": true,
        "db-name": "myservice",
        "db-collision": "error"
    "grant-user": {
        "flag": true,
        "db-name": "myservice",
        "user-name" : "myservice_dbuser",
        "host" : "localhost",
        "user-pw"    : "password!@#123432asd123123"
    "drop-db-inst": {
        "flag": false,
        "ver": "",
        "db-name": ""
    "drop-db-uninst": true,
    "drop-user-uninst": false

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